Make the leap from risk to resilience with Teren’s analytics. With Teren, You can develop, operate, and insure land and infrastructure that can withstand whatever nature throws its way.

Landslide Geohazards

Identify & Prioritize Geohazards on Steep terrain

In steep and hilly terrain, geohazards and landslides manifest as the result of changes in vegetation, hydrology, and land movement. Teren proactively identifies, ranks, and monitors landslide geohazards to create effective response and mitigations plans for pipeline operators, electric transmission companies, and DOT’s.

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Geohazard Identification

Problematic Hillslope

Geohazard Prioritization

Change Detection

Erosive Geohazards

Erosion leads to unknown geohazards

In topographically flat regions, geohazards manifest where hydrologic, agriculture, and wind forces erode the landscape and threaten asset integrity. Teren’s approach to inspection using fixed-wing LiDAR allows us to identify hazards not visible to the human eye. We help pipeline operators, land management organizations, renewable developers, and engineering firms identify issues before they become incidents.

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Rilling & Gullying


Exposed Assets

Debris Flows & Hydrology

Water Can Change Terrain Surrounding Assets

Flooding and powerful hydrologic forces can cause unpredictable erosion and direct damage to assets and property. Teren data and analytics uncover problematic flow paths and can be used to model debris flow, ponding or inundation scenarios. Whether we’re monitoring precipitation in a right-of-way for potential asset damage or evaluating watershed surrounding a neighborhood post-fire, Teren hydrology analytics improve resilience.

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Surface Hydrology

Problematic Flow


Debris Flows

Vegetation Overgrowth

Evaluate Vegetation Impact on Assets

Vegetation encroachment and perimeter shading can impact asset integrity, regulatory compliance, or operational performance. Teren’s LiDAR data and automated feature classification helps electric transmission companies, renewable developers, and insurers better understand the vegetation surrounding their assets.


Tree Shading


Vegetation Units

Survey-Grade Engineering

Critical Topography Data in Record Time

Teren’s streamlined acquisition service delivers high-fidelity, high-accuracy data faster than anyone to support survey and engineering teams during pre-construction. Our high-quality DTM, DSM and contours allow you to better estimate construction costs and material needs — and our speed keeps you on schedule.

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Cut/Fill Estimates

Digital Surface Model

Digital Terrain Model


Wildfire Analytics

Wildfire Intelligence: Before, During & After

From pre-burn risk assessment through post-burn reclamation, Teren’s wildfire analytics provide critical insights into ground fuels, soil conditions, and hydrology hazards to mitigate wildfire risk as well as evaluate post-burn conditions to assess damage and prevent further loss.

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Sediment Impact

Burn Severity

Reclamation Priority
