Category Archives: Asset Resilience

The Evolution and Applications of Environmental Twin Technology: Webinar Insights

This article follows up on insights shared during the Pennsylvania Geospatial Coordinating Board’s recent webinar [...]

Understanding Post-Wildfire Hazards & Insurance Implications: A Conversation with Leading Geomorphologist John Norman

As wildfires like the recent ones in Los Angeles become increasingly prevalent across our landscapes, [...]

8 Ways Geospatial Data Transformed Business Applications in 2024

Geospatial data has transformed the way humans and businesses interact and engage. By leveraging the [...]

Predicting Landslides: Teren’s Hydrology Modeling Validated by Hurricane Helene

In the wake of Hurricane Helene, Teren worked with USGS data to validate its innovative [...]

Building Transportation Resilience: 5 Key Analytics to Manage Increasing Environmental Threats

In today’s rapidly changing climate, transportation infrastructure faces growing challenges from environmental and climate-related hazards. [...]

These are the top 7 analytics you should be tracking to protect your utilities against the environment

Evolving Environmental Threats Require Advanced Analytics As environmental factors increasingly impact utility infrastructure, integrating advanced [...]

Mitigating Geohazards in Natural Gas Operations: A Case Study

Teren's proactive approach set a new precedent for enhanced safety, speed and cost-effectiveness to manage [...]

What is an Environmental Twin?

Teren's environmental twin platform is designed to deliver accurate digital replicas of changing environmental conditions. [...]

Environmental Twin Webinar Series: Part II

Teren's webinar sheds light on a transformative approach to asset management that leverages Environmental Twins.

Environmental Twin Webinar Series: Part I

Unleashing the Power of Weather & External Force Data to Identify Environmental Threats introduces Teren's [...]

Storms in the Southeast: Keep Your Finger on the Pulse of Changing Environmental Threats to Your Assets

Understand the potential consequences of coupling environmental threats and severe weather on infrastructure.