Make the Leap from Risk to Resilience

Identify, Prioritize and Monitor Environmental & Climate-Related Threats to Roads & Highways

Teren’s geotechnical asset management program for DOT’s is an innovative, systematic approach to threat identification, prioritization, and monitoring. Our platform monitors land movement, climate threats, and environmental changes near and on your roadway to help you make the leap from risk to resilience.

High-fidelity Data in a fraction of the time

Timely, Actionable Insights to Reduce Risk

Gain timely access to a high-fidelity digital twin of the environment surrounding your infrastructure. Our decision-ready data identifies and quantifies distinct threats surrounding the roadway, and manages change s over time, so you can take action to mitigate risk.

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Geotechnical Asset Management for DOT

Monitor Changes Over Time

Identify and predict emerging threats invisible to the human eye with Teren’s change detection. We monitor changing environmental conditions such as geohazards over time with temporal, remotely-sensed data so you can take action to mitigate threats and improve resilience.

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Teren for Transportation

Purpose-Built Analytics to Solve Transportation Challenges

Geohazards Icon

Change Detection

Soils & Terrain Icon

Geohazard Identification & Ranking

Hydrology Icon

Surface Hydrology

Structures Icon

Structure Identification

Vegetation Icon

Vegetation Encroachment

Climate Resilience Data Platform
PINPOINT climate-releated risk

Identify Threats before they become Catastrophic

Teren’s threat and susceptibility data evaluates environmental and climate-related risks across your infrastructure. Our climate-informed data pinpoints areas of high external force threat including weather, landslides, and erosion.

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Unlock the Value of Remotely-Sensed Data

Get ahead of environmental and regulatory requirements with Teren’s decision-ready data. Users across your department can leverage Teren to improve operational efficiencies, maintain compliance, and save money.

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Teren for DOT

Teren’s Proactive Path to Infrastructure Resilience