Tobias Kraft

Founder | CEO

Tobias Kraft believes in market-based solutions for global sustainability and has built a career by analyzing environmental data that can solve real-world problems. He co-founded Teren to cultivate a company culture and mission to transform data into solutions for a safer and more sustainable planet. Toby extends his passion for innovation to the outdoors, where he’s happy skiing on the remote mountains of Colorado.


Directions Magazine Teren
Risk & Insurance
Teren Podcast Risk Managemnt
Teren on Dataversity



From Fire to Future: Using Spatial Analysis Tools for Wildfire Recovery in New Mexico

Wildfires: Balancing Prevention with Post-Fire Response With the ever-expanding 2024 wildfire season is off to [...]

7 geologic hazards and their water-related triggers

Water is a powerful force that shapes our environment and influences a variety of geologic [...]

Webinar: Wildfire Season 2023 – How Well Do You Know Your Risk?

Learn how to leverage statistically validated and scientifically informed wildfire potential data to assess wildfire risk exposure.

Environmental Twin Webinar Series: Part II

Teren's webinar sheds light on a transformative approach to asset management that leverages Environmental Twins.

Revolutionizing Post-Wildfire Recovery: A Case Study on Hermits Peak Watershed Management Project

Read Teren's case study on the Hermits Peak watershed management project completed in collaboration with [...]

Elevating the Traditional Topographic Wetness Index with Teren’s Climate-Enhanced TWI

What is TWI? The Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) has long been a staple in modeling [...]

Lakewood Climate-tech Startup Searches Wildfire Ravaged Land for Risks

Teren was featured in a recent article by the Denver Business Journal for its work [...]

Enhancing Pipeline Inspection Efficiency in the Midwest through Remotely-Sensed Data: A Case Study

With many miles to inspect and a tight deadline, Teren helped the operator swiftly identify [...]